I've been waiting to post about my experience at the Innaugural Scenic 17 Sprint Triathlon because I wanted to include photos. But they still have not been posted, and I don't even know who was taking the photos. Just as I had almost resigned myself to posting without them, my mom emailed me the photos she took. Thanks, mom!
So, thanks to her, I present to you: Erin's Race Report, Scenic 17 Edition
I drove down to Babson Park the day before the event. I chose this race for its location; Babson Park is in Polk County, where my family lives. One thing I did not consider about this area was its landscape. Most would think that a triathlon in Central Florida would be easy: flat and fast. So after I stopped by Webber University to pick up my packet, I decided to drive the bike course and have a look. Suddenly I regretted doing all my bike training at the St. Marks Trail.
You might be wondering what makes Scenic Highway 17 so scenic. Is it the green, trimmed rows of orange trees? Meh... Is it the sparkling lakes nestled among the groves? Not really, but they are pretty. No, the feature that gives this stretch of road its scenic designation is its position on the Lake Wales Ridge. That's right -- huge, monstrous, gigantic, thigh-burning hills. Lots of them.
So, driving the bike course the day before the race, my stomach was tied in knots. I only had one thought: "There's no way. NO WAY." And of course, just as I was at the height of my panic, mom called.
"I can't dooooooo this," I yelled into the phone. "What was I thinking?!"
"Yeah, it's hilly out there," she answered. Thanks, mom. But she just laughed at me and told me to hurry up and get to her house so we wouldn't be late meeting up with the rest of the family for dinner. She wasn't worried, so I didn't worry. But she wasn't the one who had to bike this thing...
I showed up the next morning to get a good spot in the transition, only to find that there was plenty of room...for all 35 of us. Remember my whole "small race = winning awards" theory? I was sure I'd walk away with something this day, even with the mountains I had yet to climb.
I went down to the water to face the Beast. Even though the bike was still on my mind, I knew my real challenge would be the swim. This course was a .5-mile swim -- longer than I'd ever gone in a race before. As I was surveying the buoys, I noticed the team of lifeguards assembling on the shore were not much older than my bike (my bike is old, but not old enough to have sufficient life-saving experience).
"I don't know if I trust kids half my age to save me," I quipped to the girl next to me. She made an equally snide remark and we were instant friends. She said that she drove down from Daytona for this race, and soon we were joined by another girl from Orlando. We chatted until the race started, and I was happy to have something to take my mind off of how nervous I was about the swim.
Soon, all 35 of us were on the shore and starting. Turns out, I did pretty well in the swim. I was faster than I had been in training, but still one of the last in my age group out of the water. No worries, though -- I was sure I'd catch them on the bike. Or at least the run.

By the time I got back from the bike, I realized
that, despite the small field, an age group prize might not be in the cards for me after all. This course was no joke and these people weren't joking. Even though I finished the bike faster than most of my age group, they were still ahead of me and a lot of them seemed to be coming back from the run turnaround while I was still heading out. But I just pushed on, confident now that I was finally in my strongest event. I finished the 5K in 29:36 -- the first in my age group. Well, that's something!

I finished the race in 1:46:01 -- almost 15 minutes ahead of my goal! My mom and preggers sister, Sara, were cheering for me at the finish. My new friends and I packed up all our gear together and waited for the awards.

Kristen from Orlando was first female overall and Katie from Daytona was third overall -- making me first in our age group!! Woo hoo! No to mention fifth female overall!
Here I am, accepting my huge glass beer mug award:
My sister said, "Why are they giving out beer mugs at a race? Do these people drink beer?"
Overall, this was a great race. Even though it was small, it was very well-organized and chip-timed. It was the race director's first race, and I think he did a great job. I'd recommend this for someone looking for a challenge. Red Hills has nothing on this race.
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